blog | ~neovoid

a blog about ~neovoid

New Developement on Bash blog

January 29, 2024 — ~neovoid

This could use lots of polishing.

Tags: bashblog, bash, blog

Lost In the Valley of Plenty

January 29, 2024 — ~neovoid

In this internet era where one problem could have countless of solutions. What could be the one that I am actually looking for.

For example a blogging platform. There are tons of them. each have its own perks and cons. Exploration of them just makes me lost in this jungle of internet.

Is it because I like exploring them just for sake of exploring or I geniounly want a one shot solution? May be I just want to be settle on one thing. Or maybe its my setted limits and expectations that restricted me to settle on what seems to be perfect.

Cuz What I expect is minimalism, sucklessness, bloatless easily manageble and exportable with simple md files data, and which would be lot (i mean alot) less resource intensive.

I dont want to purchase huge gaming level machine for just to write down my notes otherwise I'd prefer a pen and diary instead. Unfortunately Diary not going to be digitally immortal. and less shareable.

Bash blog, seems to be good. At least for this moment I am thinking this. Cant be guaranteed If I feel same about it after sometime. It gives me fredom to set my own css. and manages tags by itself.

It kinda feel like using one function of hugo.

Yeah, I might switch to hugo for full fledged website with perfectly managed blogging needs and rest my persuit of finding the perfect bloging solution in the jungle of internet.

Tags: bashblog, bash, blogging, thoughts, tech