Aspirational setup
Carry only a smart phone, only just enough sophistication as neccesary so it loseable and locally replaceable at modest price. Also probably need a postable keyboard and an adapter to plug into hotel TVs. This works patially today, hope it will get better!
Current state of art
Hardware Linux/BSD Laptop (debian/openbsd dual) with modern desktop installed but not launched (gnome). Intalled and launched window manager (cwm)
Software best practice
- Use Shell CLI/TUI apps on Laptop or server if access is limited.
- Use simpler low impact GUI apps that are faster than bloat mainstream for long running processes
- Launch and run the Desktop GUI apps for short term tasks where they are simpler such as wifi setup, system settings etc.
- GUI Things like mainstream browsers and social media that are unavoidable but open only tabs that perform functions that cannot be replicated by for example a TUI on thesever.
WIP find and manage aps that the desktop runs in the background stop that unless needed