password clipping
December 18, 2019 —
i have a dedicated clipboard manager and password manager, yet i keep losing generated passphrases.
it goes like this:
i'd made a simple password generator long ago:
alias genpw="gpg --gen-random 1 16 | gpg --enarmor | sed -n 4p"
i select its output and paste into whatever password field.
but then i forget to save it somewhere else, and immediately lose it by selecting some other text somewhere.
i thought of some overcomplicated system where primary selections are continously appended to a (gpg encrypted) file, but meanwhile i'm making do by just appending this to that passphrase generator pipeline:
| xclip -i -sel c
it's still pasteable, but with ctrl+v instead of middle-click.
yes there are far better solutions for all of this.