# utility-types
Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types).
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### **What's new?**
:tada: _Now updated to support **TypeScript v3.7**_ :tada:
## Features
* Providing a set of [Common Types](#table-of-contents) for TypeScript projects that are idiomatic and complementary to existing [TypeScript Mapped Types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html) so you don't need to copy them between the projects.
* Providing a set of [Additional Types](#) compatible with [Flow's Utility Types](https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/) to allow much easier migration to `TypeScript`.
## Goals
* Quality - thoroughly tested for type correctness with type-testing library `dts-jest`
* Secure and minimal - no third-party dependencies
* No runtime cost - it's type-level only
## Installation
npm install utility-types
yarn add utility-types
## Compatibility Notes
**TypeScript support**
* `v3.x.x` - TypeScript v3.1+
* `v2.x.x` - TypeScript v2.8.1+
* `v1.x.x` - TypeScript v2.7.2+
## Funding Issues
**Utility-Types** is an open-source project created by people investing their time for the benefit of our community.
Issues like bug fixes or feature requests can be very quickly resolved when funded through the IssueHunt platform.
I highly recommend adding a bounty to the issue that you're waiting for to attract some contributors willing to work on it.
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## Contributing
We are open for contributions. If you're planning to contribute please make sure to read the contributing guide as it can save you from wasting your time: [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
* _(built-in)_ - types built-in TypeScript, no need to import
# Table of Contents
## Aliases & Type Guards
* [`Primitive`](#primitive)
* [`isPrimitive`](#isprimitive)
* [`Falsy`](#falsy)
* [`isFalsy`](#isfalsy)
## Union operators
* [`SetIntersection