# property-information [![Build][build-badge]][build] [![Coverage][coverage-badge]][coverage] [![Downloads][downloads-badge]][downloads] [![Size][size-badge]][size] Info for properties and attributes on the web-platform (HTML, SVG, ARIA, XML, XMLNS, XLink). This package follows a sensible naming scheme as defined by [hast][]. ## Install [npm][]: ```sh npm install property-information ``` ## Contents * [Use](#use) * [API](#api) * [`propertyInformation.find(schema, name)`](#propertyinformationfindschema-name) * [`propertyInformation.normalize(name)`](#propertyinformationnormalizename) * [`propertyInformation.html`](#propertyinformationhtml) * [`propertyInformation.svg`](#propertyinformationsvg) * [`hastToReact`](#hasttoreact) * [Support](#support) * [Related](#related) * [License](#license) ## Use ```js var info = require('property-information') console.log(info.find(info.html, 'className')) // Or: info.find(info.html, 'class') console.log(info.find(info.svg, 'horiz-adv-x')) // Or: info.find(info.svg, 'horizAdvX') console.log(info.find(info.svg, 'xlink:arcrole')) // Or: info.find(info.svg, 'xLinkArcRole') console.log(info.find(info.html, 'xmlLang')) // Or: info.find(info.html, 'xml:lang') console.log(info.find(info.html, 'ariaValueNow')) // Or: info.find(info.html, 'aria-valuenow') ``` Yields: ```js { space: 'html', attribute: 'class', property: 'className', spaceSeparated: true } { space: 'svg', attribute: 'horiz-adv-x', property: 'horizAdvX', number: true } { space: 'xlink', attribute: 'xlink:arcrole', property: 'xLinkArcrole' } { space: 'xml', attribute: 'xml:lang', property: 'xmlLang' } { attribute: 'aria-valuenow', property: 'ariaValueNow', number: true } ``` ## API ### `propertyInformation.find(schema, name)` Look up info on a property. In most cases, the given `schema` contains info on the property. All standard, most legacy, and some non-standard properties are supported. For these cases, the returned [`Info`][info] has hints about value of the property. `name` can be a [valid data attribute or property][data], in which case an [`Info`][info] object with the correctly cased `attribute` and `property` is returned. `name` can be an unknown attribute, in which case an [`Info`][info] object with `attribute` and `property` set to the given name is returned. It is not recommended to provide unsupported legacy or recently specced properties. #### Parameters * `schema` ([`Schema`][schema]) — Either `propertyInformation.html` or `propertyInformation.svg` * `name` (`string`) — An attribute-like or property-like name that is passed through [`normalize`][normalize] to find the correct info #### Returns [`Info`][info]. #### Note `find` can be accessed directly from `require('property-information/find')` as well. #### Example Aside from the aforementioned example, which shows known HTML, SVG, XML, XLink, and ARIA support, data properties, and attributes are also supported: ```js console.log(info.find(info.html, 'data-date-of-birth')) // Or: info.find(info.html, 'dataDateOfBirth') ``` Yields: ```js { attribute: 'data-date-of-birth', property: 'dataDateOfBirth' } ``` Unknown values are passed through untouched: ```js console.log(info.find(info.html, 'un-Known')) ``` Yields: ```js { attribute: 'un-Known', property: 'un-Known' } ``` ### `propertyInformation.normalize(name)` Get the cleaned case-insensitive form of an attribute or a property. #### Parameters * `name` (`string`) — An attribute-like or property-like name #### Returns `string` that can be used to look up the properly cased property in a [`Schema`][schema]. #### Note `normalize` can be accessed directly from `require('property-information/normalize')` as well. #### Example ```js info.html.normal[info.normalize('for')] // => 'htmlFor' info.svg.normal[info.normalize('VIEWBOX')] // => 'viewBox' info.html.normal[info.normalize('unknown')] // => undefined info.html.normal[info.normalize('accept-charset')] // => 'acceptCharset' ``` ### `propertyInformation.html` ### `propertyInformation.svg` [`Schema`][schema] for either HTML or SVG, containing info on properties from the primary space (HTML or SVG) and related embedded spaces (ARIA, XML, XMLNS, XLink). #### Note `html` and `svg` can be accessed directly from `require('property-information/html')` and `require('property-information/svg')` as well. #### Example ```js console.log(info.html.property.htmlFor) console.log(info.svg.property.viewBox) console.log(info.html.property.unknown) ``` Yields: ```js { space: 'html', attribute: 'for', property: 'htmlFor', spaceSeparated: true } { space: 'svg', attribute: 'viewBox', property: 'viewBox' } undefined ``` #### `Schema` A schema for a primary space. * `space` (`'html'` or `'svg'`) — Primary space of the schema * `normal` (`Object.`) — Object mapping normalized attributes and properties to properly cased properties * `property` ([`Object.`][info]) — Object mapping properties to info #### `Info` Info on a property. * `space` (`'html'`, `'svg'`, `'xml'`, `'xlink'`, `'xmlns'`, optional) — [Space][namespace] of the property * `attribute` (`string`) — Attribute name for the property that could be used in markup (for example: `'aria-describedby'`, `'allowfullscreen'`, `'xml:lang'`, `'for'`, or `'charoff'`) * `property` (`string`) — JavaScript-style camel-cased name, based on the DOM, but sometimes different (for example: `'ariaDescribedBy'`, `'allowFullScreen'`, `'xmlLang'`, `'htmlFor'`, `'charOff'`) * `boolean` (`boolean`) — The property is `boolean`. The default value of this property is false, so it can be omitted * `booleanish` (`boolean`) — The property is a `boolean`. The default value of this property is something other than false, so `false` must persist. The value can hold a string (as is the case with `ariaChecked` and its `'mixed'` value) * `overloadedBoolean` (`boolean`) — The property is `boolean`. The default value of this property is false, so it can be omitted. The value can hold a string (as is the case with `download` as its value reflects the name to use for the downloaded file) * `number` (`boolean`) — The property is `number`. These values can sometimes hold a string * `spaceSeparated` (`boolean`) — The property is a list separated by spaces (for example, `className`) * `commaSeparated` (`boolean`) — The property is a list separated by commas (for example, `srcSet`) * `commaOrSpaceSeparated` (`boolean`) — The property is a list separated by commas or spaces (for example, `strokeDashArray`) * `mustUseProperty` (`boolean`) — If a DOM is used, setting the property should be used for the change to take effect (this is true only for `'checked'`, `'multiple'`, `'muted'`, and `'selected'`) * `defined` (`boolean`) — The property is [defined by a space](#support). This is true for values in HTML (including data and ARIA), SVG, XML, XMLNS, and XLink. These values can only be accessed through `find`. ### `hastToReact` > Accessible through `require('property-information/hast-to-react.json')` [hast][] is close to [React][], but differs in a couple of cases. To get a React property from a hast property, check if it is in [`hast-to-react`][hast-to-react] (`Object.`), if it is, then use the corresponding value, otherwise, use the hast property. ## Support | Property | Attribute | Space | | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------- | | `aLink` | `alink` | `html` | | `abbr` | `abbr` | `html` | | `about` | `about` | `svg` | | `accentHeight` | `accent-height` | `svg` | | `accept` | `accept` | `html` | | `acceptCharset` | `accept-charset` | `html` | | `accessKey` | `accesskey` | `html` | | `accumulate` | `accumulate` | `svg` | | `action` | `action` | `html` | | `additive` | `additive` | `svg` | | `align` | `align` | `html` | | `alignmentBaseline` | `alignment-baseline` | `svg` | | `allow` | `allow` | `html` | | `allowFullScreen` | `allowfullscreen` | `html` | | `allowPaymentRequest` | `allowpaymentrequest` | `html` | | `allowTransparency` | `allowtransparency` | `html` | | `allowUserMedia` | `allowusermedia` | `html` | | `alphabetic` | `alphabetic` | `svg` | | `alt` | `alt` | `html` | | `amplitude` | `amplitude` | `svg` | | `arabicForm` | `arabic-form` | `svg` | | `archive` | `archive` | `html` | | `ariaActiveDescendant` | `aria-activedescendant` | | | `ariaAtomic` | `aria-atomic` | | | `ariaAutoComplete` | `aria-autocomplete` | | | `ariaBusy` | `aria-busy` | | | `ariaChecked` | `aria-checked` | | | `ariaColCount` | `aria-colcount` | | | `ariaColIndex` | `aria-colindex` | | | `ariaColSpan` | `aria-colspan` | | | `ariaControls` | `aria-controls` | | | `ariaCurrent` | `aria-current` | | | `ariaDescribedBy` | `aria-describedby` | | | `ariaDetails` | `aria-details` | | | `ariaDisabled` | `aria-disabled` | | | `ariaDropEffect` | `aria-dropeffect` | | | `ariaErrorMessage` | `aria-errormessage` | | | `ariaExpanded` | `aria-expanded` | | | `ariaFlowTo` | `aria-flowto` | | | `ariaGrabbed` | `aria-grabbed` | | | `ariaHasPopup` | `aria-haspopup` | | | `ariaHidden` | `aria-hidden` | | | `ariaInvalid` | `aria-invalid` | | | `ariaKeyShortcuts` | `aria-keyshortcuts` | | | `ariaLabel` | `aria-label` | | | `ariaLabelledBy` | `aria-labelledby` | | | `ariaLevel` | `aria-level` | | | `ariaLive` | `aria-live` | | | `ariaModal` | `aria-modal` | | | `ariaMultiLine` | `aria-multiline` | | | `ariaMultiSelectable` | `aria-multiselectable` | | | `ariaOrientation` | `aria-orientation` | | | `ariaOwns` | `aria-owns` | | | `ariaPlaceholder` | `aria-placeholder` | | | `ariaPosInSet` | `aria-posinset` | | | `ariaPressed` | `aria-pressed` | | | `ariaReadOnly` | `aria-readonly` | | | `ariaRelevant` | `aria-relevant` | | | `ariaRequired` | `aria-required` | | | `ariaRoleDescription` | `aria-roledescription` | | | `ariaRowCount` | `aria-rowcount` | | | `ariaRowIndex` | `aria-rowindex` | | | `ariaRowSpan` | `aria-rowspan` | | | `ariaSelected` | `aria-selected` | | | `ariaSetSize` | `aria-setsize` | | | `ariaSort` | `aria-sort` | | | `ariaValueMax` | `aria-valuemax` | | | `ariaValueMin` | `aria-valuemin` | | | `ariaValueNow` | `aria-valuenow` | | | `ariaValueText` | `aria-valuetext` | | | `as` | `as` | `html` | | `ascent` | `ascent` | `svg` | | `async` | `async` | `html` | | `attributeName` | `attributeName` | `svg` | | `attributeType` | `attributeType` | `svg` | | `autoCapitalize` | `autocapitalize` | `html` | | `autoComplete` | `autocomplete` | `html` | | `autoCorrect` | `autocorrect` | `html` | | `autoFocus` | `autofocus` | `html` | | `autoPlay` | `autoplay` | `html` | | `autoSave` | `autosave` | `html` | | `axis` | `axis` | `html` | | `azimuth` | `azimuth` | `svg` | | `background` | `background` | `html` | | `bandwidth` | `bandwidth` | `svg` | | `baseFrequency` | `baseFrequency` | `svg` | | `baseProfile` | `baseProfile` | `svg` | | `baselineShift` | `baseline-shift` | `svg` | | `bbox` | `bbox` | `svg` | | `begin` | `begin` | `svg` | | `bgColor` | `bgcolor` | `html` | | `bias` | `bias` | `svg` | | `border` | `border` | `html` | | `borderColor` | `bordercolor` | `html` | | `bottomMargin` | `bottommargin` | `html` | | `by` | `by` | `svg` | | `calcMode` | `calcMode` | `svg` | | `capHeight` | `cap-height` | `svg` | | `capture` | `capture` | `html` | | `cellPadding` | `cellpadding` | `html` | | `cellSpacing` | `cellspacing` | `html` | | `char` | `char` | `html` | | `charOff` | `charoff` | `html` | | `charSet` | `charset` | `html` | | `checked` | `checked` | `html` | | `cite` | `cite` | `html` | | `classId` | `classid` | `html` | | `className` | `class` | `svg`, `html` | | `clear` | `clear` | `html` | | `clip` | `clip` | `svg` | | `clipPath` | `clip-path` | `svg` | | `clipPathUnits` | `clipPathUnits` | `svg` | | `clipRule` | `clip-rule` | `svg` | | `code` | `code` | `html` | | `codeBase` | `codebase` | `html` | | `codeType` | `codetype` | `html` | | `colSpan` | `colspan` | `html` | | `color` | `color` | `svg`, `html` | | `colorInterpolation` | `color-interpolation` | `svg` | | `colorInterpolationFilters` | `color-interpolation-filters` | `svg` | | `colorProfile` | `color-profile` | `svg` | | `colorRendering` | `color-rendering` | `svg` | | `cols` | `cols` | `html` | | `compact` | `compact` | `html` | | `content` | `content` | `svg`, `html` | | `contentEditable` | `contenteditable` | `html` | | `contentScriptType` | `contentScriptType` | `svg` | | `contentStyleType` | `contentStyleType` | `svg` | | `controls` | `controls` | `html` | | `controlsList` | `controlslist` | `html` | | `coords` | `coords` | `html` | | `crossOrigin` | `crossorigin` | `svg`, `html` | | `cursor` | `cursor` | `svg` | | `cx` | `cx` | `svg` | | `cy` | `cy` | `svg` | | `d` | `d` | `svg` | | `data` | `data` | `html` | | `dataType` | `datatype` | `svg` | | `dateTime` | `datetime` | `html` | | `declare` | `declare` | `html` | | `decoding` | `decoding` | `html` | | `default` | `default` | `html` | | `defaultAction` | `defaultAction` | `svg` | | `defer` | `defer` | `html` | | `descent` | `descent` | `svg` | | `diffuseConstant` | `diffuseConstant` | `svg` | | `dir` | `dir` | `html` | | `dirName` | `dirname` | `html` | | `direction` | `direction` | `svg` | | `disablePictureInPicture` | `disablepictureinpicture` | `html` | | `disableRemotePlayback` | `disableremoteplayback` | `html` | | `disabled` | `disabled` | `html` | | `display` | `display` | `svg` | | `divisor` | `divisor` | `svg` | | `dominantBaseline` | `dominant-baseline` | `svg` | | `download` | `download` | `svg`, `html` | | `draggable` | `draggable` | `html` | | `dur` | `dur` | `svg` | | `dx` | `dx` | `svg` | | `dy` | `dy` | `svg` | | `edgeMode` | `edgeMode` | `svg` | | `editable` | `editable` | `svg` | | `elevation` | `elevation` | `svg` | | `enableBackground` | `enable-background` | `svg` | | `encType` | `enctype` | `html` | | `end` | `end` | `svg` | | `enterKeyHint` | `enterkeyhint` | `html` | | `event` | `event` | `svg`, `html` | | `exponent` | `exponent` | `svg` | | `externalResourcesRequired` | `externalResourcesRequired` | `svg` | | `face` | `face` | `html` | | `fill` | `fill` | `svg` | | `fillOpacity` | `fill-opacity` | `svg` | | `fillRule` | `fill-rule` | `svg` | | `filter` | `filter` | `svg` | | `filterRes` | `filterRes` | `svg` | | `filterUnits` | `filterUnits` | `svg` | | `floodColor` | `flood-color` | `svg` | | `floodOpacity` | `flood-opacity` | `svg` | | `focusHighlight` | `focusHighlight` | `svg` | | `focusable` | `focusable` | `svg` | | `fontFamily` | `font-family` | `svg` | | `fontSize` | `font-size` | `svg` | | `fontSizeAdjust` | `font-size-adjust` | `svg` | | `fontStretch` | `font-stretch` | `svg` | | `fontStyle` | `font-style` | `svg` | | `fontVariant` | `font-variant` | `svg` | | `fontWeight` | `font-weight` | `svg` | | `form` | `form` | `html` | | `formAction` | `formaction` | `html` | | `formEncType` | `formenctype` | `html` | | `formMethod` | `formmethod` | `html` | | `formNoValidate` | `formnovalidate` | `html` | | `formTarget` | `formtarget` | `html` | | `format` | `format` | `svg` | | `fr` | `fr` | `svg` | | `frame` | `frame` | `html` | | `frameBorder` | `frameborder` | `html` | | `from` | `from` | `svg` | | `fx` | `fx` | `svg` | | `fy` | `fy` | `svg` | | `g1` | `g1` | `svg` | | `g2` | `g2` | `svg` | | `glyphName` | `glyph-name` | `svg` | | `glyphOrientationHorizontal` | `glyph-orientation-horizontal` | `svg` | | `glyphOrientationVertical` | `glyph-orientation-vertical` | `svg` | | `glyphRef` | `glyphRef` | `svg` | | `gradientTransform` | `gradientTransform` | `svg` | | `gradientUnits` | `gradientUnits` | `svg` | | `hSpace` | `hspace` | `html` | | `handler` | `handler` | `svg` | | `hanging` | `hanging` | `svg` | | `hatchContentUnits` | `hatchContentUnits` | `svg` | | `hatchUnits` | `hatchUnits` | `svg` | | `headers` | `headers` | `html` | | `height` | `height` | `svg`, `html` | | `hidden` | `hidden` | `html` | | `high` | `high` | `html` | | `horizAdvX` | `horiz-adv-x` | `svg` | | `horizOriginX` | `horiz-origin-x` | `svg` | | `horizOriginY` | `horiz-origin-y` | `svg` | | `href` | `href` | `svg`, `html` | | `hrefLang` | `hreflang` | `svg`, `html` | | `htmlFor` | `for` | `html` | | `httpEquiv` | `http-equiv` | `html` | | `id` | `id` | `svg`, `html` | | `ideographic` | `ideographic` | `svg` | | `imageRendering` | `image-rendering` | `svg` | | `imageSizes` | `imagesizes` | `html` | | `imageSrcSet` | `imagesrcset` | `html` | | `in` | `in` | `svg` | | `in2` | `in2` | `svg` | | `initialVisibility` | `initialVisibility` | `svg` | | `inputMode` | `inputmode` | `html` | | `integrity` | `integrity` | `html` | | `intercept` | `intercept` | `svg` | | `is` | `is` | `html` | | `isMap` | `ismap` | `html` | | `itemId` | `itemid` | `html` | | `itemProp` | `itemprop` | `html` | | `itemRef` | `itemref` | `html` | | `itemScope` | `itemscope` | `html` | | `itemType` | `itemtype` | `html` | | `k` | `k` | `svg` | | `k1` | `k1` | `svg` | | `k2` | `k2` | `svg` | | `k3` | `k3` | `svg` | | `k4` | `k4` | `svg` | | `kernelMatrix` | `kernelMatrix` | `svg` | | `kernelUnitLength` | `kernelUnitLength` | `svg` | | `kerning` | `kerning` | `svg` | | `keyPoints` | `keyPoints` | `svg` | | `keySplines` | `keySplines` | `svg` | | `keyTimes` | `keyTimes` | `svg` | | `kind` | `kind` | `html` | | `label` | `label` | `html` | | `lang` | `lang` | `svg`, `html` | | `language` | `language` | `html` | | `leftMargin` | `leftmargin` | `html` | | `lengthAdjust` | `lengthAdjust` | `svg` | | `letterSpacing` | `letter-spacing` | `svg` | | `lightingColor` | `lighting-color` | `svg` | | `limitingConeAngle` | `limitingConeAngle` | `svg` | | `link` | `link` | `html` | | `list` | `list` | `html` | | `loading` | `loading` | `html` | | `local` | `local` | `svg` | | `longDesc` | `longdesc` | `html` | | `loop` | `loop` | `html` | | `low` | `low` | `html` | | `lowSrc` | `lowsrc` | `html` | | `manifest` | `manifest` | `html` | | `marginHeight` | `marginheight` | `html` | | `marginWidth` | `marginwidth` | `html` | | `markerEnd` | `marker-end` | `svg` | | `markerHeight` | `markerHeight` | `svg` | | `markerMid` | `marker-mid` | `svg` | | `markerStart` | `marker-start` | `svg` | | `markerUnits` | `markerUnits` | `svg` | | `markerWidth` | `markerWidth` | `svg` | | `mask` | `mask` | `svg` | | `maskContentUnits` | `maskContentUnits` | `svg` | | `maskUnits` | `maskUnits` | `svg` | | `mathematical` | `mathematical` | `svg` | | `max` | `max` | `svg`, `html` | | `maxLength` | `maxlength` | `html` | | `media` | `media` | `svg`, `html` | | `mediaCharacterEncoding` | `mediaCharacterEncoding` | `svg` | | `mediaContentEncodings` | `mediaContentEncodings` | `svg` | | `mediaSize` | `mediaSize` | `svg` | | `mediaTime` | `mediaTime` | `svg` | | `method` | `method` | `svg`, `html` | | `min` | `min` | `svg`, `html` | | `minLength` | `minlength` | `html` | | `mode` | `mode` | `svg` | | `multiple` | `multiple` | `html` | | `muted` | `muted` | `html` | | `name` | `name` | `svg`, `html` | | `navDown` | `nav-down` | `svg` | | `navDownLeft` | `nav-down-left` | `svg` | | `navDownRight` | `nav-down-right` | `svg` | | `navLeft` | `nav-left` | `svg` | | `navNext` | `nav-next` | `svg` | | `navPrev` | `nav-prev` | `svg` | | `navRight` | `nav-right` | `svg` | | `navUp` | `nav-up` | `svg` | | `navUpLeft` | `nav-up-left` | `svg` | | `navUpRight` | `nav-up-right` | `svg` | | `noHref` | `nohref` | `html` | | `noModule` | `nomodule` | `html` | | `noResize` | `noresize` | `html` | | `noShade` | `noshade` | `html` | | `noValidate` | `novalidate` | `html` | | `noWrap` | `nowrap` | `html` | | `nonce` | `nonce` | `html` | | `numOctaves` | `numOctaves` | `svg` | | `object` | `object` | `html` | | `observer` | `observer` | `svg` | | `offset` | `offset` | `svg` | | `onAbort` | `onabort` | `svg`, `html` | | `onActivate` | `onactivate` | `svg` | | `onAfterPrint` | `onafterprint` | `svg`, `html` | | `onAuxClick` | `onauxclick` | `html` | | `onBeforePrint` | `onbeforeprint` | `svg`, `html` | | `onBeforeUnload` | `onbeforeunload` | `html` | | `onBegin` | `onbegin` | `svg` | | `onBlur` | `onblur` | `html` | | `onCanPlay` | `oncanplay` | `svg`, `html` | | `onCanPlayThrough` | `oncanplaythrough` | `svg`, `html` | | `onCancel` | `oncancel` | `svg`, `html` | | `onChange` | `onchange` | `svg`, `html` | | `onClick` | `onclick` | `svg`, `html` | | `onClose` | `onclose` | `svg`, `html` | | `onContextMenu` | `oncontextmenu` | `html` | | `onCopy` | `oncopy` | `svg`, `html` | | `onCueChange` | `oncuechange` | `svg`, `html` | | `onCut` | `oncut` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDblClick` | `ondblclick` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDrag` | `ondrag` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragEnd` | `ondragend` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragEnter` | `ondragenter` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragExit` | `ondragexit` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragLeave` | `ondragleave` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragOver` | `ondragover` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDragStart` | `ondragstart` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDrop` | `ondrop` | `svg`, `html` | | `onDurationChange` | `ondurationchange` | `svg`, `html` | | `onEmptied` | `onemptied` | `svg`, `html` | | `onEnd` | `onend` | `svg` | | `onEnded` | `onended` | `svg`, `html` | | `onError` | `onerror` | `svg`, `html` | | `onFocus` | `onfocus` | `svg`, `html` | | `onFocusIn` | `onfocusin` | `svg` | | `onFocusOut` | `onfocusout` | `svg` | | `onFormData` | `onformdata` | `html` | | `onHashChange` | `onhashchange` | `svg`, `html` | | `onInput` | `oninput` | `svg`, `html` | | `onInvalid` | `oninvalid` | `svg`, `html` | | `onKeyDown` | `onkeydown` | `svg`, `html` | | `onKeyPress` | `onkeypress` | `svg`, `html` | | `onKeyUp` | `onkeyup` | `svg`, `html` | | `onLanguageChange` | `onlanguagechange` | `html` | | `onLoad` | `onload` | `svg`, `html` | | `onLoadEnd` | `onloadend` | `html` | | `onLoadStart` | `onloadstart` | `svg`, `html` | | `onLoadedData` | `onloadeddata` | `svg`, `html` | | `onLoadedMetadata` | `onloadedmetadata` | `svg`, `html` | | `onMessage` | `onmessage` | `svg`, `html` | | `onMessageError` | `onmessageerror` | `html` | | `onMouseDown` | `onmousedown` | `svg`, `html` | | `onMouseEnter` | `onmouseenter` | `svg`, `html` | | 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| `usemap` | `html` | | `vAlign` | `valign` | `html` | | `vAlphabetic` | `v-alphabetic` | `svg` | | `vHanging` | `v-hanging` | `svg` | | `vIdeographic` | `v-ideographic` | `svg` | | `vLink` | `vlink` | `html` | | `vMathematical` | `v-mathematical` | `svg` | | `vSpace` | `vspace` | `html` | | `value` | `value` | `html` | | `valueType` | `valuetype` | `html` | | `values` | `values` | `svg` | | `vectorEffect` | `vector-effect` | `svg` | | `version` | `version` | `svg`, `html` | | `vertAdvY` | `vert-adv-y` | `svg` | | `vertOriginX` | `vert-origin-x` | `svg` | | `vertOriginY` | `vert-origin-y` | `svg` | | `viewBox` | `viewBox` | `svg` | | `viewTarget` | `viewTarget` | `svg` | | `visibility` | `visibility` | `svg` | | `width` | `width` | `svg`, `html` | | `widths` | `widths` | `svg` | | `wordSpacing` | `word-spacing` | `svg` | | `wrap` | `wrap` | `html` | | `writingMode` | `writing-mode` | `svg` | | `x` | `x` | `svg` | | `x1` | `x1` | `svg` | | `x2` | `x2` | `svg` | | `xChannelSelector` | `xChannelSelector` | `svg` | | `xHeight` | `x-height` | `svg` | | `xLinkActuate` | `xlink:actuate` | `xlink` | | `xLinkArcRole` | `xlink:arcrole` | `xlink` | | `xLinkHref` | `xlink:href` | `xlink` | | `xLinkRole` | `xlink:role` | `xlink` | | `xLinkShow` | `xlink:show` | `xlink` | | `xLinkTitle` | `xlink:title` | `xlink` | | `xLinkType` | `xlink:type` | `xlink` | | `xmlBase` | `xml:base` | `xml` | | `xmlLang` | `xml:lang` | `xml` | | `xmlSpace` | `xml:space` | `xml` | | `xmlns` | `xmlns` | `xmlns` | | `xmlnsXLink` | `xmlns:xlink` | `xmlns` | | `y` | `y` | `svg` | | `y1` | `y1` | `svg` | | `y2` | `y2` | `svg` | | `yChannelSelector` | `yChannelSelector` | `svg` | | `z` | `z` | `svg` | | `zoomAndPan` | `zoomAndPan` | `svg` | ## Related * [`web-namespaces`][namespace] — List of web namespaces * [`space-separated-tokens`](https://github.com/wooorm/space-separated-tokens) — Parse/stringify space-separated tokens * [`comma-separated-tokens`](https://github.com/wooorm/comma-separated-tokens) — Parse/stringify comma-separated tokens * [`html-tag-names`](https://github.com/wooorm/html-tag-names) — List of HTML tags * [`mathml-tag-names`](https://github.com/wooorm/mathml-tag-names) — List of MathML tags * [`svg-tag-names`](https://github.com/wooorm/svg-tag-names) — List of SVG tags * [`html-void-elements`](https://github.com/wooorm/html-void-elements) — List of void HTML tag-names * [`svg-element-attributes`](https://github.com/wooorm/svg-element-attributes) — Map of SVG elements to allowed attributes * [`html-element-attributes`](https://github.com/wooorm/html-element-attributes) — Map of HTML elements to allowed attributes * [`aria-attributes`](https://github.com/wooorm/aria-attributes) — List of ARIA attributes ## License [MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author] Derivative work based on [React][source] licensed under [BSD-3-Clause-Clear][source-license], © 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. 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