# hast-to-hyperscript
[**hast**][hast] utility to transform a [*tree*][tree] to something else through
a [hyperscript][] interface.
## Install
npm install hast-to-hyperscript
## Use
var toH = require('hast-to-hyperscript')
var h = require('hyperscript')
var tree = {
type: 'element',
tagName: 'p',
properties: {id: 'alpha', className: ['bravo']},
children: [
{type: 'text', value: 'charlie '},
type: 'element',
tagName: 'strong',
properties: {style: 'color: red;'},
children: [{type: 'text', value: 'delta'}]
{type: 'text', value: ' echo.'}
// Transform (`hyperscript` needs `outerHTML` to serialize):
var doc = toH(h, tree).outerHTML
charlie delta echo.
## API
### `toH(h, tree[, options|prefix])`
Transform a [**hast**][hast] [*tree*][tree] to something else through a
[hyperscript][] interface.
###### Parameters
* `h` ([`Function`][h]) — Hyperscript function
* `tree` ([`Node`][node]) — [*Tree*][tree] to transform
* `prefix` — Treated as `{prefix: prefix}`
* `options.prefix` (`string` or `boolean`, optional)
— Prefix to use as a prefix for keys passed in `attrs` to `h()`,
this behavior is turned off by passing `false`, turned on by passing
a `string`.
By default, `h-` is used as a prefix if the given `h` is detected as being
`virtual-dom/h` or `React.createElement`
* `options.space` (enum, `'svg'` or `'html'`, default: `'html'`)
— Whether `node` is in the `'html'` or `'svg'` space.
If an `svg` element is found when inside the HTML space, `toH` automatically
switches to the SVG space when entering the element, and switches back when
###### Returns
`*` — Anything returned by invoking `h()`.
### `function h(name, attrs, children)`
Create an [*element*][element] from the given values.
###### Content
`h` is called with the node that is currently compiled as the context object
###### Parameters
* `name` (`string`) — Tag-name of element to create
* `attrs` (`Object.`) — Attributes to set
* `children` (`Array.<* | string>`) — List of children (results of previously
invoking `h()`)
###### Returns
`*` — Anything.
##### Caveats
###### Nodes
Most hyperscript implementations only support [*elements*][element] and
[**hast**][hast] supports [*doctype*][doctype], [*comment*][comment], and
[*root*][root] as well.
* If anything other than an `element` or `root` node is given, `toH` throws
* If a [*root*][root] is given with no [*children*][child], an empty `div`
[*element*][element] is returned
* If a [*root*][root] is given with one [*element*][element] [*child*][child],
that element is transformed
* Otherwise, the children are wrapped in a `div` [*element*][element]
If unknown nodes (a node with a [*type*][type] not defined by [**hast**][hast])
are found as [*descendants*][descendant] of the given [*tree*][tree], they are
ignored: only [*text*][text] and [*element*][element] are transformed.
###### Support
Although there are lots of libraries mentioning support for a hyperscript-like
interface, there are significant differences between them.
For example, [`hyperscript`][hyperscript] doesn’t support classes in `attrs` and
[`virtual-dom/h`][vdom] needs an `attributes` object inside `attrs` most of the
`toH` works around these differences for:
* [`React.createElement`][react]
* Vue’s [`createElement`][vue]
* [`virtual-dom/h`][vdom]
* [`hyperscript`][hyperscript]
## Security
Use of `hast-to-hyperscript` can open you up to a
[cross-site scripting (XSS)][xss] attack if the hast tree is unsafe.
Use [`hast-util-sanitize`][sanitize] to make the hast tree safe.
## Related
* [`hastscript`][hastscript]
— Hyperscript compatible interface for creating nodes
* [`hast-util-sanitize`][sanitize]
— Sanitize nodes
* [`hast-util-from-dom`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-from-dom)
— Transform a DOM tree to hast
* [`unist-builder`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist-builder)
— Create any unist tree
* [`xastscript`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/xastscript)
— Create a xast tree
## Contribute
See [`contributing.md` in `syntax-tree/.github`][contributing] for ways to get
See [`support.md`][support] for ways to get help.
This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to
abide by its terms.
## License
[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
[build-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/syntax-tree/hast-to-hyperscript.svg
[build]: https://travis-ci.org/syntax-tree/hast-to-hyperscript
[coverage-badge]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/syntax-tree/hast-to-hyperscript.svg
[coverage]: https://codecov.io/github/syntax-tree/hast-to-hyperscript
[downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/hast-to-hyperscript.svg
[downloads]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hast-to-hyperscript
[size-badge]: https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/hast-to-hyperscript.svg
[size]: https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=hast-to-hyperscript
[sponsors-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/sponsors/badge.svg
[backers-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/backers/badge.svg
[collective]: https://opencollective.com/unified
[chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-discussions-success.svg
[chat]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist/discussions
[npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
[license]: license
[author]: https://wooorm.com
[contributing]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/HEAD/contributing.md
[support]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/HEAD/support.md
[coc]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/.github/blob/HEAD/code-of-conduct.md
[vdom]: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom/tree/HEAD/virtual-hyperscript
[hyperscript]: https://github.com/hyperhype/hyperscript
[react]: https://reactjs.org/docs/glossary.html#react-elements
[vue]: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/render-function.html#createElement-Arguments
[hastscript]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hastscript
[tree]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#tree
[child]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#child
[type]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#type
[descendant]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#descendant
[hast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast
[node]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#nodes
[text]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#text
[doctype]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#doctype
[root]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#root
[comment]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#comment
[element]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast#element
[h]: #function-hname-attrs-children
[xss]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting
[sanitize]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast-util-sanitize