# Changelog ### 4.0.3 - Upgraded `fbjs` to 3.0.1 which fixes [CVE-2021-27292](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/vulnerability-database/CVE-2021-27292) ### 4.0.2 - Added support for `UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps` lifecycle method ### 4.0.1 - Upgrade `fbemitter` dependency to 3.x ### 4.0.0 - Upgrade `fbjs` dependency to ^3.x - Upgrade for Babel 7 compatibility (#495) (thanks to @koba04) - Added React 17 as a peer dependency ### 3.1.3 - Added support for React 16 ### 3.1.2 - No meaningful changes. ### 3.1.1 - No meaningful changes. ### 3.1.0 - `Dispatcher`: Methods `register` and `unregister` can once again be called in the middle of a dispatch. ### 3.0.0 - `FluxMapStore`: Removed. It added very little value over `FluxReduceStore`. - `FluxContainer`: Subscriptions are setup in constructor rather than `componentDidMount` - `FluxContainer`: Can create containers using stateless functional components - `FluxContainer`: Uses functional version of `setState` - `FluxMixin`: Subscriptions are setup in `componentWillMount` rather than `componentDidMount` - `Dispatcher`: Methods `register` and `unregister` can not be called in the middle of a dispatch - `React` added as peer dependency to `flux/utils` - Package `dist/FluxUtils.js` alongside `dist/Flux.js` _**Note**: This is marked as a breaking change due to the large number of small changes in `FluxContainer`. Depending on how coupled code is to the timing of `componentWillMount`, `componentDidMount`, or setting state synchronously it is possible that there may be some breakages. Generally it should not be an issue._ ### 2.1.1 - Publish `dist/` on npm ### 2.1.0 - Add flux-utils which include four main base classes: `Store`, `ReduceStore`, `MapStore`, `Container` - Add flux-utils example and documentation - Upgrade build script - Publish a minified version of `Flux` in `dist/` - Add flow types to `Dispatcher`