Fun fact: This website does not require any Javascript!
Welcome to's (he/him) terrible mini-website!
Things I am:
- Steering wheel controller gamer
- Weakest OneShot enjoyer (please go play it)
- I use Fedora btw
- Former Arch user
- Learner of C++
Things I am NOT:
- God of C++
- Discord user
- Google user
Contact me! (don't)
Remove all #'s in this list:
- Matrix: [at#] #pj#al#s [c#ol#on] #en#v#s [#do#t] n#et
- EMail: Same as Matrix, just remove @ and replace : with @
- Pleroma/Fediverse: Same as EMail
Most button graphics by with CC BY-SA 4.0, thank you!
This website is also CC BY-SA 4.0.
This is NOT part of the main ~envs website. I <3 ~envs though!