sometimes we put rubber band on things. like when we say "I am gonna start waking up early" or "from tommorow I will be doing xyz", these "start" and "from" words are act like a rubberband. we putting rubberbands on our activities and trying hard to stretching it continue doing it to another day to another day. and one day you didnt do it next day and the rubberband leaver your hand and contract back to the day one. and you feel you are back to the day one. you again start counting your days and again vicious cycle of rubber band goes up, until you made it and many days passed and you stopped counting days and it becomes your habit. you dont even bother now if you missed a day or not. This is the rubber band effect. At initial stage you are going to stretch it hard until your forget it exist. but what if you could start doing it without using these words or rubber bands.