* Is Effort Real? ** What is effort? Effort is a feeling we get of doing something unpleasant or which takes lots of energy and time to do it. Basically the feeling of effort is a feeling which makes us feel exhausted already. ** Why is effort? When a thought comes of doing something which not been done before and of totally unknown domain makes us find alternative which we already familiar with basically this trigger our defense mechanism to replace it which is known and experienced alternative ultimately dragging us back in comfort zone. Yeah thats why scientists says our minds are wired to live in comfort. But when our guts already knows that their is no alternative and this the best thing to do our our mind which become insecured to lost its comfort state create this tug of war kind of situation in mind between rajas and tamas, One cruely stating the obvious and second becoming the lazy ass. The fear is and insecurity is not neccessary a toxic thing unless not handled carefully. The very essence of them exist to alert the mind, making it stop, to take a pause and rethink our actions again. The very being of them defines why they are for and what they are doing if tuned into them and listen them closely. ** Illusion of Inaction? One might think lets not do anything and enjoy being is not doing anything, while such thought triggered from tamasic state the idea of consciously enjoying doing "not doing anything" is also action actually. Any Action which is requires conscious effort is considered as "doing something". However not all action is requires efforts. ** Effortless Actions The things we enjoy doing or things we already familiar with and comfortable doing so we do them without a sweat. We dont even realizes when the time passed and nor we had to push our guts to do it. Familiar things considered as safe and assured with known certain outcomes by our defense mechanism. Thats why we can do the things we enjoy doing all day. ** Fear of change It not death that we fear, but the uncertainity and the unknown experiences of it. The reason why peoples generally hesitant toward learning new things is due to the uncertainity of outcome. Its the innate instinct of every living being at puting the preservarance first.