My Linux Notes
Table of Contents
- My Linux Notes
- Linux History
- Pros of Linux -
- Cons of Linux -
- Philosophy -
- Components -
- Architecture
- File System Hierarchy
- Shell and terminals
- prompts
- getting helps
- system Information
- User management
- Package Management
- Service and Process Management
- Navigation
- Text Manipulation
- Managing Users and Groups
- Rename user in Linux
- Managing Files and Folders
- Mangaging Permissions and Ownership
- Package Mangement
- Automation
My Linux Notes
Linux History
- 1970 - Unix released by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at AT&T
- 1977 - BSD released and got into lawsuit by AT&T since it contains unix code
- 1983 - GNU project started by Richard Stallman to create Free unix-like os and protect it with GPL License
- 1991 - A personal/hobby kernel project "Linux" started by Finnish Student named Linus Torvalds
Pros of Linux -
- Free and Open Source
- Highly Secure
- More stable and High Performance
- Less Vulnerable to Malwares and Viruses
- Frequently Updated and in Development
- No drivers problem
- Present in almost types of devices
Cons of Linux -
- Can Difficult for beginners to use
- Need more knowledge seeker mentality than consumeristic to work with it.
Philosophy -
- Everything is a File
- Small, Single-purpose programs
- Ability to chain programs together to perform complex tasks
- Avoid captive user interface
- Configuration data stored in a text file
Components -
- Bootloader
- OS Kernel
- Daemons
- OS Shell
- Graphics Server
- Window Manager
- Utilities
- Hardware
- Kernel
- Shell
- System Utility
File System Hierarchy
- / Root file System directory
- /bin essential binary files directory
- /boot files require to boot LinuxOS
- /dev device files
- /etc local system configuration files
- /home users files directory
- /lib shared library files
- /media directory for external devices mount points
- /mnt directory for temporary mount points
- /opt directory for optional files like third-party tools
- /root home directory for root user
- /sbin executable binary files used for system administration
- /tmp directory to store temporary files by system applications and users
- /usr contains executables, libraries, man files, documentations, etc
- /var variable data such as log files, email in boxes, web applications, crons files, etc
Shell and terminals
getting helps
- man
- apropos
system Information
- whoami
- id
- hostname
- uname
- pwd
- ifconfig
- ip
- netstat
- ss
- ps
- who
- env
- lsblk
- lsusb
- lsof
- lspci
User management
- sudo
- su
- useradd
- userdel
- usermod
- addgroup
- delgroup
- passwd
Package Management
The features that most package management systems provide are:
- Package downloading
- Dependency resolution
- A standard binary package format
- Common installation and configuration locations
- Additional system-related configuration and functionality
- Quality control
- dpkg = A tool to manage .deb packages
- apt = cli package manager for debian or ubuntu based system
- aptitude = more powerful tool than apt
- snap = cli tool to manage snap packages
- gem = front-end to RubyGems, standard package manager for Ruby
- pip = package manager for python
- git = git is a versional control system used for storing development files
- pacman = A powerful package manager for Arch based systems
- dnf = A powerful package manager for redhat and fedora based systems
- yay = package manager for Arch user repository
Service and Process Management
Daemons = server services run in background. has suffix with "d" eg. sshd, systemd systemd = init service start at pid 1. It monitors and manage all the other services
PID = all process have assigned pid and can be seen in /proc systemctl = systemd program to manage services by user
using openssh
install openssh-client
- cd
Text Manipulation
echo - send text to stdout cat - read file less - read in a pager head - read from top tail - read from bottom more - file perusal filter for crt viewing sort - sort lines uniq - report or omit repeated lines fmt - reformat lines pr - convert text files for printing tr - translate or delete characters
Advanced Commads
awk - pattern scanning and processing language grep - print lines matching pattern sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
Managing Users and Groups
- Create User `useradd`
- delete user `userdel`
- Editing user `usermod`
Rename user in Linux
For renaming user in Linux systems, we will use ‘usermod’ command. Syntax for the command is,
$ usermod -l new_username old_username
For example, if we have a user named ‘dan’ & want to rename it to ‘susan’, execute the following command from terminal;
$ sudo usermod -l susan dan
This will only change the username & everything else, like group, home directory, UID will remain same.
Note:- You should need to logged out from the account you are trying to rename. You can also kill all the processes running for that user, to do so execute the following command,
$ sudo pkill -u dan
$ sudo pkill -9 -u dan
Renaming Home directory For renaming home directory to correspond to the renamed user, we use ‘-d’ option with ‘usermod’ command.,
$ sudo usermod -d /home/susan -m susan
Changing UID for the user To change the UID of the user , execute the following command,
$ sudo usermod -u 2000 susan
where ‘2000’ is the new UID for user.
Renaming the group To rename the group from ‘dan’ to ‘susan‘, we will use ‘groupmod’ command. Use the following command to rename the group,
$ groupmod -n susan dan
To use a name that’s already in use but you want to use it anyway, command would be,
$ groupmod -o -n susan dan
Once we have made the required changes, we can than check the changes made using the ‘id’ command,
$ id susan