Hmath – Manual (for webmasters)

Attribute any element with class='H' to write mathematical text inside it, regardless of tag or font size. Otherwise, none of the styles below will apply.

As for screenreaders, you should put a verbal statement of the math depicted in the aria-label attribute (e.g. "one plus one over two equals one")

All styles

Selector Example Verbal name Description
.binop 2+2=4 binary operator An infix equality or operator with two sides.
var 2xy variable A variable, always italicized.
sup πr2h superscript
sub p30+A12 subscript
.sr 2 square root
.fr 12 fraction A vertically stacked fraction. Requires elements .fr1 followed by .fr2 inside as numerator and denominator respectively.
.par 112 parenthetical expression An expression surrounded by parentheses. Do NOT use plain-text parentheses for this purpose—as they do not stack vertically
matrix A matrix surrounded by square brackets. Used as a traditional table.
n 2 if n0 mod 2,
3n+1 if n1 mod 2.
piecewise expression A piecewise expression, prepended with a curly bracket. Used as a traditional table.
.sum n=1 1 ns summation The head of a summation—does not include the body. Needs .sumh followed by .suml inside for the higher and lower bounds respectively.
.int -∞ x2 dx definite integral The head of an integral—does not include the body. Needs .inth followed by .intl inside for the higher and lower bounds respectively.