Saturday, 2024-01-06
My mood has not been the greatest in the last few days, but I did not want to start the new year with a moody post. So, happy new year! Reflecting back on the whole year that went by, it was a though one full of new challenges; but I did not give up like my younger self would do, and that's something I have to aknowledge and give credit to myself for. What's waiting for me in the new year, I cannot know. If I were to listen to my anxiety, the list of wishes would be never-ending: to finish my first year of university with excellent grades, to find a job as soon as possible, to go out more with friends, to travel, to get ready for uni's next year.. in all honesty, I overload myself quickly and way to easily. So, let me be realistic and write something feasibe: I wish to finish my first year of university decently, while positively nurturing friendships when possible, as I did last year. Little steps! other things will come and go during the year.
Oh, another thing I am very happy to report is that, overall, 2023 was a good year because I was able to cut out negative entities and activities from my life. Not everything is gone, I still stress over stupid things sometimes, but in an extremely minor way when compared to years prior. I feel much more connected to my body and to the outside world than I ever was. I am learning to live in the moment and experience things for what they are. unbothered. moisturized. happy. in my lane. focused. flourishing. Jokes aside, much of this is thanks to my family and close friends, whom I definitely need to thank more and treat better.
Once again, happy new year neocities. Shall we all find the proper peace we deserve. And if you're ever lost, remember to be kind; the same kindness will come back to you in various, sometimes surprising, forms.
Tuesday, 2023-12-27
A couple of weeks ago I took a wonderful little trip to Ferrara with the same dear friend I visited waterfalls with in a few entries below this one. Visiting it was quite satisfying, buildings were kind of similar to my city, yet at the same time very different; such an odd feeling! Our main attraction for the few days were museums. They were nice, but heavily focused on renaissance and post-renaissance periods. Nice and wonderful, but a little tiring to follow and keep track of all the similar artists that worked on the same iconography.
Christmas just passed uneventfully, was a little tiring and "too formal" as usual. Today I should have focused on studies, but I.. didn't do that at all, actually. This is very troublesome! Many exams are coming up in just a dozen days! However I had fun in playing one of the two games I grabbed on Steam these festivities: Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. It is VERY inspired but god damn is it a polished JRS3-like experience. Extremely fun, on point soundtrack, I urge you to play it if you liked Jet Set Radio. Actually, play it anyway even if you've never heard of JSR!
Monday, 2023-09-30
I am finally done with my job. It was incredibly exhausting to try to sustain both university and working, but somehow I made it. Right now the only thing left is to focus on my studies and not waste any more money, as I need finances for car gas and school supplies. The notion of having some free time helps me relax a lot. This will probably be one of the last few mornings I will skip university: the weekend required me to work for a total of 18 hours (make it 20 if you count driving back and forth from home) so one can imagine I am deeply tired. I will use this time at home to clean my room properly and organize the notes I already have.
Sunday 2023-09-17
Some changes coming through. First of all, My updated website is now being hosted at! is shutting down, it had a good run.
Also, I revamped the website a little, reworked a good chunk of code under the hood: for example, I learned that setting a max-width to the body is not a good idea. A couple of days ago I also spent a good hour banging my head onto the wall because some html items were all misaligned, only to realize I wrote flex: wrap; instead of flex-wrap: wrap;. Yeah.
I got to see Sick Tamburo and Verdena live at the Radio Onda D'urto Festival. It was nice, but the environment was (as usual) so terribly hot and dry !! thankfully there was a fountain of free water!
The festival is heavily focused on anything anti-fascism; there was a really nice book area with all kinds of small publishers, mostly focusing on feminism, environmentalism, eco-tech, cultures. I sadly didn't have much time to browse, but I did find some nice stuff to grab nonetheless :) one is an ilustraed story called Logbook by finnish artist Tehri Ekebom; the other is Nella rete dei social (Caught in the net of social networks would be a fitting translation) by Claudio Ceruti. Talks about all of the negative side-effects of corpo social networks that we still have to deal with, no matter if we use them or not. Both quite interesting.
went to the waterfalls with a good friend of mine! it was sooo fresh and cozy!!
Bringin back da journal yeeeeehaw
Lots of stuff happened. I finally finished highschool with a whopping 100/100 score (actually kinda proud abt that one considering I SUCKED in middle school). Even though we promised each other it wouldn't happen, I eventually lost touch with some good friends in just a few months, but it can't be helped: we all started working, in one way or another.
Other than that, I found a full-time job that's keeping me very busy for the summer period at a bookshop, a chain store to be precise. Boy, do I have to WHINE about the usual capitalist shit that taints everything, even in such an environment; but at least I am in direct contact with books and people who enjoy books, so days can be fun/interesting, depending on the clients. I'll complain later on about the negative aspects. I still have around two months of work anyway.
I'm slightly anxious because I also need to start university in october, and for a good two/three weeks it'll overlap with the job. This is kinda awful: I usually feel the need to immerse myself completely in what I do because I'm worried about missing out on stuff, lectures, etc. I just hope things'll go smooth and I'll be able to figure out everything I need.
Today's track: Freestyles - Feel
new year new me B) I've wiped out the journal but I'm keeping it archived - there's an issue with css which I'm too lazy to figure out rn so I'll put a link to them when I feel like fixing it.
I've not done much in the last few days; I've watched the movie Silvia Prieto on mubi and played a few games: Death Stranding, Vampire Survivor, Doom2016. I now definitely need to focus on this painting I need to finish for school in five (5!) days. Oh no and I almost forgot I need to read I Malavoglia by Giovanni Verga.