hello and welcome

Our days get so busy sometimes, don't they? It'd be nice to have a cup of tea without the usual swarm of worries bothering our minds.

update log

I joined the italian webring! Changed lots of stuff, added a gallery javascript for my journal, moved things around :)

First official update of the year! I've reordered my homepage around, changed some colors and added Source Sans Pro as the main font. Future plans include a personal manifesto; some sort of printable zine; a collection of useful resources.

Decluttered the website as a whole, re-added the changelog in the homepage with a cute floating cirno. Once again changed my blog to a more journal-like look. (also, I've missed the site's birthday which was ten days ago. happy late first bday astral town!)

Published new homepage, will have to fix other pages which might be broken

created new homepage with sidebars, reworked the css

  • fix the update/to-do section, make them a lil cuter yk what i am sayin
  • decide where to put interesting stuff such as articles, yt videos, etc. Should they be in links? or would misc be a better fit?
  • Make a zine
  • Make a resources section

Originally created on the 12th of September, 2021.
Previously kindly hosted at heathens.club and tilde.town

Feel free to add my button to your website and notify me through e-mail so that I can add yours on mine ≧◡≦