lucidiot's cybrecluster

The Fieldstone Method, Gerald M. Weinberg, 2005

The book has some exercises in each chapter, which I chose not to care too much about. If I feel the need to enhance my writing later on, I will probably go back to the book directly to find all the instructions.

Writer’s block

Fieldstone method

A little bit of writing, an idea, a photo, a diagram, a quote, a reference that just sounds interesting.

Gathering stones

Organizing stones

Writing journal


Writing about a subject is one of the best ways to learn about it.

One way for smart people to be happy is to express themselves, to put out in the world the vast melange of thoughts and feelings whirling in their heads.

Never attempt to write what you don’t care about.

Every day is different; every idea is different; every mood is different; so why should every project be the same?

There are no bad ideas, only ideas that don’t fit the current work.

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