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Default fonts in Microsoft Works Spreadsheet and Database

With Works Spreadsheet and Works Database, you can set a default font for new spreadsheets and databases under the Font tab of the Format dialog box. This updates a few registry values. Here is a .reg export from the registry editor with the default values for the default values:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Works\9.0\MS Works SS]
"DefaultFont"="12,Times New Roman,roman"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Works\9.0\MS Works DB]

DefaultFont defines the selected font size, font name and font family, in that order, separated with commas. The font family in this case is a value from the FamilyFont enumeration, which specifies a general category of fonts: roman (serif), swiss (sans serif), modern (monospace), script (cursive), decorative (fantasy), or… dontcare.

DefaultStyle is composed of four higher bits used to set the color, and six lower bits used for formatting:

Bit 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Usage Color Strikethrough Unused Underline Italic Bold

The available color values are the following:

Color name RGB Value Offset value
Automatic 0 0
Black 000000 1 64
Blue 0000FF 2 128
Turquoise 00FFFF 3 192
Bright green 00FF00 4 256
Pink FF00FF 5 320
Red FF0000 6 384
Yellow FFFF00 7 448
Gray 50% 808080 8 512
White FFFFFF 9 576
Dark blue 000080 10 640
Teal 008080 11 704
Green 008000 12 768
Violet 800080 13 832
Dark red 800000 14 896
Gray 25% C0C0C0 15 960

In the above table, the value is the actual, decoded value when the DefaultStyle is properly parsed, and the offset value is the value you would see if you were to read the style as a single base 10 integer.

This color palette does not match the usual palette of the more common Windows font selection dialog, as the “dark yellow” option has been sacrificed to leave 0 as the “automatic” color, the default that is just black most of the time but not necessarily all of the time.