lucidiot's cybrecluster

Last modified Information Relaying Specification (LIRS) 2.1

Creation date: 1999-10-13 18:00
Update date: 2001-12-16 22:48

This document is an unofficial English translation of the original Japanese specification made by someone who has no knowledge of Japanese. Implement at your own risk.

About LIRS

LIRS is designed to include the minimal necessary information for update time acquisition agents (antennas). It assumes that a site that provides update times should not be burdened with anything other than reporting update times. It also assumes that the sites all run on UNIX environments.

The person exclusively responsible for changes to this specification is Hiya (



The backslash character (\) is the escape character. Commas in fields should be escaped (\,). A literal backslash can be inserted using two backslashes (\\).


The following fields should appear in all records, in this order:


Timestamp of when the target site was last updated.

Should the last update detection fail, the LIRS provider should set this field to zero, and antenna agents should assume this record is unusable.


Timestamp of when the LIRS provider last checked for the last update time for this site. This defines a notion of “freshness” that antenna agents can use to sort records by priority, or discard old records.

Should the last update detection fail, the LIRS provider should set this field to zero, and antenna agents should assume this record is unusable.

Time difference

Signed integer. Difference, in seconds, between GMT and the timezone of the target site; 32400 or +32400 in Japan. Since update times are reported in GMT, this allows sharing the timezone of the target site.


Size of the content served at the target URL, in bytes. LIRS providers that check the target site, and do not have more internal ways to detect an update, should consider a change in the Content-Length to be an update.


URL of the target site. This field must be unique; a single URL must not be repeated twice in the same LIRS file. This field can be used as a unique identifier by antenna implementations.


Title of the content served at the target site; usually the contents of the HTML <title> tag.

Author name

Name of the author of the content served at this URL.

Source URL

URL that was used by the LIRS provider to acquire update information. This is usually the same as the URL; in case of an implementation that aggregates update information from other LIRS providers, this could be the URL of each LIRS file. How to use this field is left to the implementor.


Arbitrary string for agent-specific information. Instead of 0 as the default for a blank field, this should be left empty.

Best practices


This is a single LIRS record, uncompressed:

LIRS,938779260,938781002,32400,49383,,Tadayo Memories,Hiya,,blah blah,\r\n

This translates to the following fields:

Tadayo Memories
Site URL
Last modified
Last detected
Server timezone
UTC+9 (32400 seconds)
Custom data
blah blah


2001-12-16 22:48
Added a link to the Meta::LIRS Perl module
2000-10-25 14:36
Fixed an error in the description of the URL field.
2000-10-13 15:20
Fixed an error in the usage of gzip in
2000-06-23 13:52
Added details about handling line feeds (\015, \012).
2000-06-16 13:47
Added a link to lirs.rb.
2000-05-31 20:00
Backslashes should now be escaped too (\\).
Minor corrections due to changes in
1999-11-11 19:41
Document converted to HTML, and minor corrections.
1999-11-03 03:25
Minor corrections after a discussion about DI.
Added the About LIRS section.
1999-10-13 18:00
Initial version.

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