lucidiot's cybrecluster


I spent the night with one of my cousins in a forest we used to go to when we were on vacation at our grandparents’ home. We were on some sort of dirt mound between two small rivers. The mound was covered in wet grass. There were two large houses nearby and we went to see one of them. The house had multiple floors and was actually a Lego store that sold Lego video games. My mom asked an employee about a game and I do not really hear what she says, but they come back with a game that costs 0.99€ and can be played for 25 minutes. You then have to play 30€ each time you want to play for 30 more minutes!

In the other house, which looked like it was my parents’ house but with a very different layout, I found two flatscreens that were displaying the three latest medical visits of my parents: some various health data next to a short video of my parents sitting like they were about to be photographed for some yearbook or other school thing, playing on a loop. I also found a strange CD of 30 centimeters in diameter for a documentary on french planes that felt like it dated from the 1980s. I took it with me while thinking I could later upload it to YouTube.

In that house, I also think there was a ghost of my mom. Quite fitting, considering she passed away recently from some medical issues.

While on the dirt mound, I cut off a piece of a very rusty shovel, but I forgot why.

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