I was standing in a dark room with V. He was sitting on a couch in the dark. I was sitting at a desk behind and perpendicular to that couch, lit up by a warm white lamp.
At that desk, I was talking to people embedded within a website’s ads. I do not remember any details about the website or the computer itself. I asked one of them to help me do some googling on the consequences of scientific experiments conducted in space, their applications in other domains, in the form of news articles on the end of some missions.
She starts using her smartphone to search for that, but the web browser refreshes the page and the ad changes, so I didn’t get any results that time.
I find myself standing inside the ad, in a completely white room, next to that woman. I tell her “You already know what I asked for.” She laughs, perhaps because the refresh erased her memory and thus didn’t understand.
The ad then changed again, and I was back in the room and not in the ad. There was some plain text advertising the merits of a new web standard involving 96% Iris, 4% Sirius and ??% of HTML, CSS and JS. Iris and Sirius are part of an imaginary world I had in my daydreams for a very long time, and it might just be the first time ever that I hear of them in an actual dream.
I then remember seeing rats and snakes coming out of the ceiling and walking around near me. I tell V, who says it isn’t a problem as long as they don’t get closer.
One of those animals gets closer to me but I push it away with my left arm. I cannot focus on the ads again as I have to keep on watching out for that snake. I just give up at some point, letting it get closer without reacting.
It opens its mouth, transforming its rat head into a snake’s, and bites around nearly the whole circumference of my left forearm. I am not feeling in pain. I try to scream to V for help, but my voice does not come out. I panic and wake up.