Microsoft Compound File Binary
Compound File Binary (CFB) is a file format designed by Microsoft as part of the COM API, as an implementation of the COM Structured Storage. It may also be referred to as a Composite Document File V2, OLE container, or OLE file. It is used by a lot of Microsoft software, and even some non-Microsoft. I commonly encounter it while working on weird things at the Morgue.
External links
- Official specification
- Wikipedia article
Python package to read and write those files, as well as some Office-specific metadataoletools
Python package, based onolefile
, aimed more at dealing with Office-based malware- 7-Zip, a file archiver that can extract CFB files
Detector script
I wrote a VBScript script to look for any file starting with the CFB file signature in a Windows 98SE virtual machine:
On Error Resume Next
header = Chr(&HD0) & Chr(&HCF) & Chr(&H11) & Chr(&HE0) & Chr(&HA1) & Chr(&HB1) & Chr(&H1A) & Chr(&HE1)
Sub CFBFinder(folder)
For Each subfolder In folder.SubFolders
CFBFinder folder
For Each file In folder.Files
If file.Size > 19 Then
Set stream = file.OpenAsTextStream(1, 0) 'open for reading in ASCII
'handle possible permission errors
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If stream.Read(Len(header)) = header Then
WScript.Echo file.Path
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Extractor script
I wrote a smol Python script to extract a CFB file into a directory structure, to make inspection easier on Linux.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import shutil
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from olefile import OleFileIO
class Args:
cfb_file: OleFileIO
output_dir: Pathbool = False
def main() -> None:
= argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Microsoft Compound File Binary extractor")
parser "cfb_file", type=OleFileIO)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-dir", type=Path, default=".")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_argument(= parser.parse_args(namespace=Args)
args =True)
with args.cfb_file as ole:
for storage in ole.listdir(storages=True, streams=False):
dir = args.output_dir.joinpath(*storage)
if args.verbose:
print(f"Creating directory {dir} for storage {storage!r}")
for stream_path in ole.listdir(storages=False, streams=True):
= args.output_dir.joinpath(*stream_path)
output_path if args.verbose:
print(f"Extracting stream {stream_path!r} to {output_path}")
with ole.openstream(stream_path) as stream,"wb") as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(stream, f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have observed CFB in use in the following cases:
- Microsoft Office Word documents (
) - Microsoft Office Word templates (
) - Microsoft Office Word wizards (
) - Microsoft Office Excel documents (
) - Microsoft Office Excel templates (
) - Microsoft Office Excel add-ins (
) - Microsoft Office PowerPoint documents (
) - Microsoft Office PowerPoint templates (
) - Microsoft Office Access data projects (
) - Microsoft Office Access wizard templates (
) - Microsoft Office Outlook messages (
) - Microsoft Office Outlook item templates (
) - Microsoft Office Visio drawings (
) - Microsoft Office Visio stencils (
) - Microsoft Office Visio templates (
) - Microsoft Office Publisher documents (
) - Microsoft Office Project projects (
) - Microsoft Office Project templates (
) - Microsoft Office FrontPage and Visual Studio 6 user interface preferences (
) - Microsoft Photodraw pictures (
) - Microsoft Common Console documents / Management Saved Console (
) - Microsoft HTML Help cache (
) - Microsoft Visual Studio Solution User Options (
) - Microsoft Works Word Processor documents (
) - Microsoft Works Word Processor templates (
) - Microsoft Works Word Processor wizards (
) - Microsoft Works Word Processor borders (
) - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet spreadsheets (
) - Microsoft Works Spreadsheet wizards (
) - Microsoft Works Database databases (
) - Microsoft Works Database database backups (
) - Microsoft Works Database wizards (
) - Microsoft Works Portfolio (
) - Windows Installer packages (
) - Windows Installer merge modules (
) - Windows Installer dialogs (
) - Windows Live Writer / Open Live Writer Weblog post (
) - Windows 7 Sticky Notes (
) - SAP Crystal Reports reports (
) - Windows Movie Maker 2.x projects (