The horizontal layout made me more creative with my layouts.
The cover felt very sturdy and the paper was smooth.
The smaller format made it generally more convenient, and prevented my pages from becoming a mess despite having a compact structure.
BuJo 5
* 2020-05-29
† 2023-01-07
FNC-43b National Parks Mount Rainier
FNC-43b National Parks Joshua Tree
FNC-48c United States of Letterpress Starshaped Press
Moleskine Cahier Brisk Blue
3× FNC-50 Fifty
I love Field Notes and wanted to also switch my BuJo to it, but feared that migrating all the collections would mean I run out of space quickly and use a notebook a month, so I switched to multiple notebooks:
1 “main” notebook is used for collections
N notebooks will be used for daily logs until the main one is full.
I go through notebooks a bit faster, which makes me feel like I am being a bit productive (the large scale version of checking a task off a list).