Technical Details

My site is published to be accessible via the Gemini protocol: "Gemini is a client-server protocol featuring request-response transactions, broadly similar to [...] HTTP."[3]. This means that to access pages published using Gemini, one can use a familiar looking URL but with a small change: You tell your browser to use Gemini instead of HTTP(S) when it contacts the server that is storing a page's data, ex., gemini:// Evidentally your browser isn't playing nicely and hasn't bothered to implement Gemini, despite how unbelievably simple it would be.

That's actually about as technical as I feel like will be useful here, as there are already plenty of places to read more about Gemini. Here are a few to get you started:

[1] The Gemini project's main page

[2] An FAQ on Gemini

[3] The protocol specification