# @chakra-ui/spinner
Spinners provide a visual cue that an action is processing, awaiting a course of
change or a result.
## Installation
yarn add @chakra-ui/spinner
# or
npm i @chakra-ui/spinner
## Import component
import { Spinner } from "@chakra-ui/spinner"
## Usage
## Spinner with different sizes
Change the size of the spinner by passing the `size` prop.
## Spinner with color
Change the background color of the moving section of the spinner by passing the
`color` prop.
## Spinner with empty area color
Change the background color of the spinner by passing the `emptyColor` prop.
## Spinner with different speed
Change the spinner's animation speed area by passing the `speed` prop. The unit
of the value matches the
[`animation-duration` CSS property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/animation-duration)