# @chakra-ui/layout
A set of layout primitives that make it super easy to manage page and
## Installation
yarn add @chakra-ui/layout
# or
npm i @chakra-ui/layout
## Import Components
import { Box, Flex, Stack, Grid, Wrap, AspectRatio } from "@chakra-ui/layout"
## Usage
Box is just a `div` on steroids. It gives you the ability to pass style props
Welcome to Box
Flex is just a `Box` with `display: flex`
Box 1
Box 2
Stack is used to group elements and apply a spacing between them. It stacks its
children vertically by default.
Box 1
Box 2
AspectRatio is used to constrain its child to specific aspect ratio. It is
mostly used for embedding videos, images, and maps.
Wrap is used to manage the distribution of child elements that are liable to
wrap. It is mostly used for button groups, tag group, badge group, and chips.
Box 1
Box 2
Badge is used to render a badge. It can come in different variants and color
schemes as defined in the `theme.components.Badge`
Center is used to vertically and horizontally center its child
Container is used to manage content areas on a website or blog. It centers
itself using `margin-left: auto` and `margin-right: auto`. It also applies a
default max-width of `60ch` (60 characters)
Spacer is a component that takes up the remaining space in a flex container. It
is mostly useful to manage space and wrapping in flex containers