Jan 17, 2020 Jan 17th hasn't arrived yet at the time of this post, so this is more of a guess about what will happen rather than a fact-by-fact log. On Jan 17th, the entire tildeverse and pubnixspace rallied around the idea that they could join forces and collectively revive the Linux Documentation Project[1], that once vibrant source of information that has since fallen... out of support? Updated guides on everything from classics like bash and awk to modern file systems and new decentralized social tools. There were even easy-to-follow guides about how to set up your own tilde/pubnix. People across the tilde/pubnix-sphere not only enjoyed the fruits of the techno-landscape, but contributed to the materials others could use to join the non-commercial internet. Mark Zuckerberg was pissed. Jan 17 was a good day. [1] https://www.tldp.org/